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تويتر مشاهدة تغريدة Shibuyahal في ٨ أغسطس ٢٠٢٢ على Twitter

Mycelium is a particularly rare variant of dirt that is found naturally only in mushroom fields biomes It has a particle effect that resembles tiny spores being released constantly from the surface Mycelium can be obtained by mining it using a tool with the Silk Touch enchantment If mined with any other tool or by hand, it drops dirt A shovel is the fastest tool to collect it Endermen can«The mycelium»の翻訳、定義、意味、文字起こし、例を表示し、同義語、反意語を学び、«The mycelium»の発音を聞いてください。 メニュー オンライン翻訳者

Vegetative mycelium 意味

Vegetative mycelium 意味-Woolly mycelium develops on lesions under moist conditions 羊毛状菌糸体は、湿った条件下で病変に発生します。 They give rise to the trees, they create the debris fields that feed the mycelium それらは木を生み、菌糸体を養う破片フィールドを作成します。Mycelium 名《菌類》菌糸体発音maisíːliəmカナマイスィーリアム変化《複》mycelia アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。

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تويتر مشاهدة تغريدة Shibuyahal في ٨ أغسطس ٢٠٢٢ على Twitter

When two compatible monokaryotic mycelia join and form a dikaryoticThe meaning of MYCELIUM is the mass of interwoven filamentous hyphae that forms especially the vegetative portion of the thallus of a fungus and is often submerged in another body (as of soil or organic matter or the tissues of a host);世界大百科事典 第2版 myceliumの用語解説 真菌植物の本体(栄養体)を構成する分枝した細い糸状体を菌糸といい,その集まりを菌糸体myceliumという。菌糸は先端生長によって伸長し,栄養分となる有機物があり,適当な湿度や温度などの良好な外的条件が続くかぎりいつまでも生長する。

Muchbranched mycelium 多分枝性{た ぶんし せい}の菌糸体{きんしたい} 例文 The seeds then are mothered by this mycelium その後 種がこの菌糸体から栄養を受けます And putting the mycelium using storm blown debris 嵐で倒れた木や落ちた枝と菌糸体を詰めた土嚢です And ourMycelium on cereal grain is termed mold growth 在谷物上生長的菌絲體叫做發霉。 The mass of rice is thoroughly permeated with mycelium 整個大米層中都布滿了菌絲。 The hyphae can fuse and form a heterocaryotic mycelium 菌絲可以融合并形成異核的菌絲體。Mycelium are the vegetative part of fungus which consists of branch mass and hyphae, which is a thread like structure Mycelium fungal colonies are found in soil and within many other substr 記事を見る openprcom MYCELIUM Review 21 Mycelium is

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Mycelium Minions are a type of Minion that collects Mycelium Mycelium Minions are unlocked at Mycelium I and can be placed on the Player's Island Crafting Mycelium Minions requires Mage Reputation Each minion tier requires an increasing amount of Mage Reputation to craft starting with 500 Mage Reputation at tier 1 The following table shows the amount of reputation needed forMycelium on cereal grain is termed mold growth 在谷物上生长的菌丝体叫做发霉。 The mass of rice is thoroughly permeated with mycelium 整个大米层中都布满了菌丝。 The hyphae can fuse and form a heterocaryotic mycelium 菌丝可以融合并形成异核的菌丝体。

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